Watauga County Soil & Water Annual Tree Sale-
Orders will be taken from now until March 28th. You may pick up an order form from our office at 971 W. King St. and it is also posted on the County website and our Facebook page: Watauga Soil & Water Conservation District.
Click here for the Watauga Soil & Water Board regular meeting dates.
Watauga Farmland Preservation Advisory Board Recommendation letter to the Town of Boone, click here for more information.
The Watauga County Soil and Water Conservation office is located in Boone at 971 West King Street. Normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and the office telephone number is 828-264-3850.
The Watauga Soil And Water Conservation District is a subdivision of state government charged with planning, executing, and promoting sound conservation practices. Its objectives are secured largely through the voluntary cooperation of landowners.
The District administers the N.C. Agricultural Cost Share program to improve water quality and reduce non-point source pollution on agricultural lands. The Natural Resources Conservation Service and other agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, as well as some state and local agencies provide technical assistance.
The county, with limited state financial support, provides funds and office space. The five member board consists of two members appointed by the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission and three members elected to four-year staggered terms on a non-partisan basis.
Regular District Board meetings are on the fourth Wednesday of each month, at 8:00 am in the District Office at 971 West King Street, but are subject to change.
The Current District Board of Supervisors:
Denny Norris, Chair
190 Norris Trail, Boone, NC 28607
Chris Hughes - Vice Chair
183 Fred’s Drive, Boone, NC 28607
Jenny Hannifan
5361 Castleford Road, Todd, NC 28694
Nate Coppenbarger
127 Evening Shade Drive, Boone NC 28607
Bill Moretz
2903 Big Hill Road, Boone, NC 28607
District Staff
Michelle Kasey
Administrative Asst./Education Coord.
Brian Bonville
Conservation Technician
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
David Tucker
District Supervisory Soil Conservationist
Sam Dame
Natural Resources Specialist
Brandon Turlington
Soil Conservationist
Program Assistant