Appointed By Board Of Commissioners

Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee
Promotes the interests and well-being of the residents in Adult Care Homes.
(1st Monday of each month at 4:00 P.M. Appalachian Brian Estates)

Member Term Expire Date
Glenda Hodges 10/2025
Angie Greene 03/2023

Animal Control Appeals Board

A County Ordinance gives this Board authority to declare an animal to be dangerous or a nuisance, the owner of an animal has the right to appeal this determination, and this Board determines whether to overturn the determination or to uphold it. 

The Watauga County Board of County Commissioners shall appoint anserves as the appeals board to review “dangerous” or “potentially dangerous” designations upon request of the owner or keeper.

AppalCART Board
Sets policy for AppalCART which is the local public transportation system. The Board is the final authority and supervises the director.
(4th Monday of each month at 3:00 PM in the AppalCART Board Room)

Member Appointment Date Representative Of
Todd Carter 07/16/24 Town of Boone
John Eckman 07/16/24 ASU
David Jackson 09/19/23 At-Large
Joe Eller 09/19/23 User
Barry Sauls 03/20/12 ASU
Quint David 09/19/23 At-Large
Angie Boitnotte 08/20/13 Human Service Agency
Charlie Wallin
Commissioner Rep
12/05/23 BCC

Blowing Rock Board Of Adjustments Extraterritorial Representation
Acts on issues within Blowing Rock’s ETJ area just outside Town limits for variance requests for land use code that has been requested outside the Town limits and within the ETJ area.
(Called meetings as necessary and/or needed)

ETJ Member (BOA) Appointment Date
Joseph "Woody" Hubbard 04/02/2024
ETJ Member (Planning) Appointment Date
Joseph "Woody" Hubbard 04/02/2024

Boone Rural Fire Protection Service District Board Of Directors
This Board is responsible for overseeing the tax and setting the tax rate on a yearly basis.
(Must live in District; Second Thursday of January, April, July, and October at 7:00 PM Boone Fire Station #2)

Member Term Expiration Date Commissioner
Reggie Hassler 12/2026 District 1 – Castle
Lee Stroupe 12/2026 District 2 – Russell
Jimmy Marsh 12/2026 District 3 – Eggers
Jody Eller 12/2024 District 4 – Turnbow
Mary Cavanaugh  12/2024 District 5 – Wallin

Caldwell Community College Board Of Trustees
To make broad policies within which the institution operates. The Board and the President and his staff jointly focus on planning, setting expectations and evaluation.
(Meet 3rd Wednesday each month in the Board Room at the CCC&TI Campus in Hudson at 11:30 AM)

Member Term Expiration Date
Billy Ralph Winkler 06/2027
Dr. Lowell Younce 06/2025

Economic Development Commission
Works to create jobs and increase incomes in Watauga County through entrepreneurial development, business recruitment and assistance to existing business.
(Meets 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00 PM at rotating locations throughtout the County) 

Standing Seats
Watauga County Board of Commissioners
Larry Turnbow
Boone Town Council
Eric Plagg
Blowing Rock Town Council
Pete Gherini
Beech Mountain Town Council
Weidner Abernethy
Seven Devils Town Council
Bob Bertini
Citizen designated by Town Council
Appalachian State University
Matthew Dockham
Director of External Affairs & Community Relations
Blowing Rock Chamber of Commerce
Charles Hardin
President & CEO
Boone Area Chamber of Commerce
David Jackson
President & CEO

At-Large Members
Appointment Date
Jane Rankin
Virginia Wallace
Suzanne Livesay

EMS Advisory Council
Acts as advisory board for Emergency Medical Services for the County.
(Meets the 1st Wednesday of February, May, August, & November at 4:30 PM in the Watauga County Administration Building)

Member – Representative of . . . Appointment Date
Appalachian Regional Healthcare System 08/07/2012
Boone Fire & Rescue 08/07/2012
Blowing Rock Rescue 08/07/2012
Watauga Rescue 08/07/2012
Franchisee 08/07/2012
Fire Commission Chairman (or designee) 08/07/2012
Emergency Communications 08/07/2012
Floyd Hicks
At-Large (Appointed by the EMS Ad Comm)
(from geographic area not covered by the above)
Bob Pudney
At-Large (Appointed by the EMS Ad Comm)
(from geographic area not covered by the above)
First Responder (Appointed by the EMS Ad Comm)
(from geographic area not covered by the above)
Medical Director - Dr.Kaitlyn Hinshaw 04/02/2024
Assistant Medical Director - Dr. Deborah Rogers 04/02/2024
County Manager 08/07/2012
Todd Castle – Commissioner Rep 12/05/2023

Home and Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee/Project On Aging Advisory Committee
Reviews the County's aging services, recommends funding allocation of Block Grant Funds, and submits a plan with a budget for Board of Commissioners' approval.
(Meets at least once a year - as announced)

2024 H&CCBG Committee Members Appointment Date
Angie Boitnotte 03/15/2022
Zack Greene
Dustin Burleson
Austin Combs
Karina Romero
Tom Hughes
Skylar Taracido
Pat Coley
Kat Danner
Linda Marcoux
Mary Moretz
Carolyn Owens
Dr. Ed Rosenberg
Braxton Eggers
Commissioner Representative


Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC)
Assesses the needs of youth in Watauga County, with attention given to the needs of status offenders on a continuing basis. Assists the County by making recommendations for the use of CBA/JJDP funds.
(4th Thursday of each month at 8:00 AM in the DSS Meeting Room)

Commissioner Representative – Ray Russell – appointed 12/05/2023

Approved at Jun 6, 2023, BCC Meeting:

  Specified Members Name Title Designee
1) School Superintendent or designee  Candis Walker  Counselor  X
2) Chief of Police  Kat Eller  Community Resource Officer
3) Local Sheriff or designee Kelly Redmon  Major WCSO X
4) District Attorney or designee Sherry Perry  DA;s Office  
5) Chief Court Counselor or designee John Troy Autry Chief Court Counselor  
6) Director, LME/MCO, or designee Christelle Marsh Vaya Health X
7) Director DSS or designee      
8) County Manager or designee Becky Ballew Finance Director X
9) Substance Abuse Professional      
10) Member of Faith Community Chris Hughes Evangelist  
11) County Commissioner

Ray Russell        (Appointed 12/05/23)

12) A Person Under the Age of 21      
13) A Person Under the Age of 21, or a member of the public representing the interest of families of at-risk juveniles  Natalie Fitch  WHS Student  
14) Juvenile Defense Attorney      
15) Chief District Judge or designee      
16) Member of Business Community      
17) Local Health Director or designee      
18) Rep. United Way/other non-profit      
19) Representative/Parks and Rec. Keron Poteat Parks & Rec. Mgr.  
20) County Commissioner appointee Austin Combs HCCH  
21) County Commissioner appointee Joan Hearn  Guardian Ad Litem  
22) County Commissioner appointee Mechelle Miller Field Specialist  
23) County Commissioner appointee Stephen Poulos Retired Parks & Rec Dir  
24) County Commissioner appointee      
25) County Commissioner appointee      
26) County Commissioner appointee      

Library Board
Assists in developing policies for the County Library.
(Meets the 1st Thursday of odd numbered months at 1:30 PM at the Watauga County Library)

Member Term Expiration Date
Sandra Basel 08/2024
Dr. Scott Elliott 08/2024
Mary Ruthless 08/2024
Roberta Jackson 08/2024
Natalie Harkey 08/2023
Margaret Love 08/2023
Carol Deal 08/2026
Laura Johnson 09/2025
Patricia Swartzbaugh 09/2025
Braxton Eggers
Commissioner Rep

Watauga Medical Center, Inc., Board Of Trustees
Governs the affairs of Watauga Medical Center, Inc., and facilities.
(Meets the 4th Thursday of each month at 5:00 PM at Watauga Medical Center)

Member Term Expiration Date
Cathy Williamson 12/31/2024
Jan Winkler 12/31/2024
Lisa Cooper 12/31/2024
Jim Deal 12/31/2025
Sam Adams 12/31/2025
Jonathan Allen 12/31/2025
Meagan Phillips 12/31/2026
Mary Louise Roberts 12/31/2026
Dr. Paul Dagher 12/31/2026
Ray Russell Commissioner Rep  

Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee
Promotes the interests and well-being of the patients in nursing homes and homes for the aged.
(Meets once/quarter - Feb., May, Aug., Nov. at 1:00 PM at locations to be determined)

Member Term Expiration Date
Barbara Hunsucker 09/2025
Janet Sprecht 01/2023

Personnel Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee per Watauga County Personnel Ordinance to hear employee appeals. Members consists of employees and one Commissioner representative.
(Meets as called)

Member Position Appointment Date
BCC Chariman Commissioner Representative 12/05/2023
Angie Boitnotte Department Head Representative 12/03/2012
Amy Parsons Regular Employee Representative 12/03/2012
Regina Houck Regular Employee Representative 03/01/2016
Greg McGrady Regular Employee Representative 08/20/2019
BCC Vice-Chair Commissioner Representative Alternate 01/17/2023
Misty Watson Regular Employee Representative Alternate 09/03/2019
Derrick Ellison Regular Employee Representative Alternate 03/01/2016
Lynne Austin Regular Employee Representative Alternate 09/03/2019
Amy Snider Regular Employee Representative Alternate 09/03/2019

Recreation Commission
Advisory Board to Watauga County Parks and Recreation which supports recreation programs, public parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, and other recreation facilities owned or controlled by Watauga County
(Meets the 3rd Wednesday of every other month at 7:00 PM)

Member Term Expiration Representing
    School Representatives
Jason Eldreth  2024  Bethel
 Denny Norris, Chair  2024  Green Valley
 Gene Swift, Vice-Chair  2024  Parkway
 Brittany Bolick  2025  Hardin Park
 Sam Painter  2025  Valle Crucis
 Jared Everett  2026  Blowing Rock
 Loyce Warren  2026  Mabel
 Scott Carter  2026  Cove Creek
 Chad Hicks  2027  Cove Creek
    Town Representatives
Kalie Epplie 2026 Town of Boone
Jeanine Underdown-Collins 2026 Town of Boone
Sean Royall 2025 Town of Beech Mountain
VACANT   Town of Boone
VACANT   Town of Blowing Rock
VACANT   Town of Seven Devils
    Elected Board Representatives
Ray Russell Annually/Election Watauga County
Becca Nenow Annually/Election Town of Boone
Doug Matheson Annually/Election Town of Blowing Rock
Ron Henries Annually/Election Board of Education
Roachel Laney    

Social Services Board
Serves in an advisory capacity for the Department of Social Services.
(Meets the last Wednesday of each month at 4:00 PM in the Department of Social Service's Small Conference Room)

Commissioner Representative – Charlie Wallin – appointed 12/05/2023

Member Term Expiration Date
Tiffany Christian 08/30/2026
Matt Rollins 08/30/2027
Mary Smalling 08/30/2024
Reagan Breitenstein 08/30/2025

Tourism Development Authority
This Board promotes tourism within the Tax District U and administers the appropriation of the room occupancy tax levied by the County.
(2nd Tuesday of January, March, May, June, September, November at 8:30 A.M.)

Member Term Expiration Date
Tony Gray 02/2025
Brad Moretz 02/2027
Missy Harrill 02/2027
Kim Rogers 02/2025
Tina Houston 02/2026
Matthew Vincent 02/2026
Lisa Cooper 02/2026

Valle Crucis Historic Preservation Commission
Issues certificates of appropriateness for proposed construction and all renovations in the historical district.
(Called meetings as needed on the 1st Tuesday at 7:30 PM at Valle Crucis Methodist Church)

Member Term Expiration Date
Scott Jensen 09/2025
Alyson Browless 09/2026
Heidi Tester 09/2026
Pat Brown 09/2025
Erin Welsh 09/2024

Watauga County Board Of Adjustment
Considers zoning variances, conditional use permits and zoning appeals.
(Called meetings as needed on the 4th Monday of the month at 5:30 PM)

Member Term Expiration Date
Sue Sweeting 11/2024
Jenna Isenhour 11/2025
John Prickett 11/2026
Kinney Baughman 11/2025
Shelton Wilder 11/2026  
Virginia "Ginny" Nilles Alternate 11/2026

Watauga County Jury Commission
Compiles the biennial list of jurors in strict compliance with the General Statutes of North Carolina.
(Periodically as called - $250 every 2 years)

BCC Appointee Term Expiration Date
Thomas Redmond 06/30/2025

Watauga County Planning Board
Develops and recommends policies, ordinances, administrative procedures and other means for carrying out plans in a coordinated and efficient manner.
(3rd Monday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Commissioners' Board Room at the County Administration Building)

Member Term Expiration Date Commissioner
Savva Kostis 12/2026 District 1 – Castle
Neil Hartley 12/2024 District 2 – Russell
Justin Warren 12/2026 District 3 – Eggers
Marsha Walpole 12/2024 District 4 – Turnbow
Diane Tilson 12/2024 District 5 – Wallin
Matt Vincent 12/2027 At-Large
Richard Mattar 12/2025 At-Large

Commissioner Appointments to Boards & Commissions
As Appointed December 7, 2021

Board/Commission Member
Appalachian District Health Department Castle
Appalachian Theatre Board of Trustees Ex-Officio Member Wallin
AppalCART Authority Wallin
Blue Ridge Resource Conservation & Development Area Turnbow
Caldwell Community College &Technical Institute - Watauga Advisory Board Eggers
Children’s Council Castle
Child Protection Team Russell
Cooperative Extension Advisory Leadership Board Castle
Economic Development Commission (EDC) Turnbow
Educational Planning Committee (2 appointees) Wallin & Russell
EMS Advisory Committee Castle

High Country Council of Governments (Including the Executive Board, Rural Transportation Advisory Committee(RTAC),and Rural Planning Organization (RPO))

Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) Russell
Humane Society Turnbow
Library Board Eggers
Motor Vehicle Valuation Review Committee BCC
New River Service Authority Board Wallin
Northwest Regional Housing Authority (5-year term expires Dec 12, 2024) Pat Vines
POA Advisory Committee (Home & Community Care Block Grant) Eggers
Sheriff’s Office Liaison Turnbow
Vaya Regional Board (Region 3) Russell & Wallin
Social Services Advisory Board Wallin
Watauga County Arts Council (Added February 2020) Eggers
Watauga County Fire Commission Turnbow
Watauga County Personnel Advisory Committee Chair or Vice-Chair
Watauga County Recreation Commission Russell
Watauga Medical Center Board of Trustees Russell
W.A.M.Y. Community Action Wallin
Watauga Opportunities Turnbow
Workforce Development Board (WDB) Chairman