Not Appointed By the Board of Commissioners

Appalachian District Health Department Board –
The local Board of Health protects and promotes public health and has the authority to adopt rules to that effect. The Board can impose a fee for services rendered at the Health Department.
(Meeting information can be found here: Board of Health – AppHealthCare)

Blue Ridge Resource Conservation and Development Area –
Non Profit Corporation that covers the same counties as Region D and are involved in projects that are related to community development and natural resource protection.
(4th Thursday in January, March, June and September)

Board of Elections –
Registers voters, holds elections and interprets election laws for Watauga County.
(1st Tuesday of each month at 4 PM in the Commissioners' Board Room located in the Watauga Administration Building; Chairman - $350/month and Members - $225/month)

Committee of 100
A non-profit corporation formed for the purpose of further developing economic development in the County.
(Holds an Annual Meeting each March)

Fire Commission
Provides organizational oversight of volunteer fire departments for purposes of funding and compliance with State and County requirements. The Commission consists of Fire Chiefs or designees and others pursuant to the County resolution establishing the Commission.
(Meets 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the various fire departments.)

Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority –
Responsible for screening applicants for industrial revenue bond financing.

Watauga County Local Emergency Planning Committee (Hazardous Materials and Emergency Planning Committee) –
Required by Federal law to plan how to respond to hazardous material accidents, etc.
(No set place - meetings held on the 4th Tuesday of every other month)

Watauga Opportunities, Inc. –
Provides jobs and training for individuals with disabilities.
(Meets the last Thursday of January, March, May, August, and October at 4:30 PM at Watauga Opportunities)