The Watauga County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 18, 2011, at 6:00 P.M. in the Commissioners’ Board Room of the Watauga County Administration Building.


                        PRESENT:       Nathan A. Miller, Chairman

David Blust, Vice-Chairman

                                                Jim Deal, Commissioner

                                                Tim Futrelle, Commissioner

                                                Vince Gable, Commissioner

                                                Four Eggers, County Attorney

                                    Robert E. Nelson, Jr., County Manager

                                    Deron Geouque, Deputy County Manager

                                                Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board


            Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.




            Chairman Miller called for additions and/or corrections to the January 4, 2011, regular and closed session minutes.


            Commissioner Futrelle, seconded by Commissioner Gable, moved to approve the January 4, 2011, regular meeting minutes as presented.


VOTE:   Aye-5



            Commissioner Futrelle, seconded by Commissioner Gable, moved to approve the January 4, 2011, closed session minutes as presented.


VOTE:   Aye-5





            Chairman Miller called for additions and/or corrections to the January 18, 2011, agenda.


            County Manager Nelson requested to add a Town of Boone Joint Meeting Request under Miscellaneous Administrative Matters and a Sheriff’s Office Grant Application Request under Item 6.


            Commissioner Deal, seconded by Vice-Chairman Blust, moved to approve the January 18, 2011, agenda as amended.


VOTE:   Aye-5





            Billy Ralph Winker, representing the Southern Appalachian Historical Association (SAHA)/Horn In The West, gave a brief history, stating that SAHA leased the property at the Horn In The West from the Town of Boone and in the past has sub-leased the parking area, with the Town of Boone’s blessing, to both the Farmers’ Market and Appalachian State University (for student parking).  Eventually the Farmers’ Market grew to a point that their customers had difficulty parking due to the student cars taking spaces in the same lot.  At that time, the Town of Boone refused to give permission for SAHA to sub-lease to ASU for a two-year period and subsidized SAHA for income lost from the sub-lease.  At the same time, the Farmers’ Market was charged with finding a new location by the end of the two-year time frame.   Mr. Winkler stated that SAHA supported the Farmers’ Market and their growth and supported any decision made by the Board of Commissioners. 


Mr. Joe Martin, representing the Watauga County Farmers’ Market, stated that the Market had outgrown its current location at the Horn In The West Parking Lot and presented a proposed lease for the relocation of the Farmers’ Market to the County’s Human Services Center parking lot.  Mr. Martin stated that the lease included a rate of $1 per year along with approximately $3,600 in fees associated with the maintenance expenses.


Discussion was held and concerns shared regarding the proposed lease and its terms.


           After lengthy discussion, the Board agreed, by consensus, to table further discussion until the Annual Pre-Budget Retreat which was scheduled for February 25 & 26, 2011.




Mr. Charlie Wallin, Chairman of the Citizens’ Plan Action Committee (CPAC), gave a report on the Committee’s progress to date.  Mr. Wallin stated that the CPAC was charged with reviewing and formulating priorities based on the recommendations contained within the Citizens’ Plan for Watauga. 


To date, the CPAC had designated priority to the following projects:  1) The Daniel Boone Parkway highway project which had been discussed for many years without reaching consensus on a route.  The benefits to the County included the ease of traffic congestion and the enhancement of economic development and growth possibilities.  2)  Multi-laning NC Hwy 105 Bypass and US HWY 321/421 from the Bypass intersection to Vilas.  The benefits to the County included were the same as those for the Daniel Boone Parkway project along with the benefit to the residents and travelers in the northwest part of the County.  3) Corridor planning including the development of “Economic Gateways.” The benefit to the County to develop these gateways included the significant economic development potential that existed at the various entrances to the County.  The first area recommended for development consideration, including future water and sewer availability, was the Deep Gap area.   


Mr. Wallin stated that the CPAC also identified economic development, agriculture, and public safety as additional important issues that warranted further discussion.


Mr. Joe Furman stated that the Economic Development Commission supported the development of the Deep Gap area, including future water and sewer availability, as an “Economic Gateway.”


            The Board agreed by consensus, to table discussion regarding the CPAC’s recommendations until the Annual Pre-Budget Retreat which was scheduled for February 25 & 26, 2011.




A.        Bid Award Request for Sheriff Patrol Vehicles – Captain Kelly Redmon stated that the following bids were received for three Ford Crown Victoria police package vehicles:


Ashe County Ford – no bid received

Bill Smith Ford – no bid received

Bobby Jones Ford – $26,754.24 each totaling $80,262.72

Light-n-up LLC – $26,262.78 each totaling $78,788.34


Captain Redmon recommended the bid be awarded to the low proposal, Light-n-up LLC in the total amount of $78,788.34.  Funds were budgeted in the current year’s budget for this purchase.


            Commissioner Deal, seconded by Commissioner Gable, moved to award the bid to purchase three Ford Crown Victoria police package vehicles to Light-n-up LLC in the total amount of $78,788.34.

VOTE:   Aye-5



            B.         Domestic Violence Grant Application Request – Captain Dee Dee Rominger requested authorization to apply for a Domestic Violence Grant from the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission.  The Sheriff’s Office previously submitted and obtained two similar grants for domestic violence officers.  The deadline for grant submission was January 31, 2011.  Captain Rominger stated that, if the grant was approved, funding was to begin July 1, 2011 and expire June 30, 2013.  Watauga County would be required to provide a 25% in-kind match each of those two years.  The in-kind match was to be met by utilizing budgeted items such as vehicles, office space, uniforms, a bullet proof vest, and computer and radio equipment.


            County Manager Nelson stated that, if awarded, some minor increases would be seen in the budget during the first two years of the grant and the County was required to continue funding the position for an additional three years after the expiration of the grant.


            Vice-Chairman Blust, seconded by Commissioner Futrelle, moved to allow the submission of the grant application as presented by Captain Rominger.


VOTE:   Aye-5





A.        Requested Acceptance of Grant Award – Ms. Lisa Doty announced that the North Carolina State of Energy had awarded $40,930 to Watauga County for the Landfill Gas to Energy project.  The grant required a 50% match which was retroactive and was to include the amounts spent on the project thus far.  County Manager Nelson requested Ms. Doty be appointed as the contact person to administer the grant.


Commissioner Deal, seconded by Commissioner Futrelle, moved to accept the grant award in the amount of $40,930 with a 50% match and appoint Ms. Lisa Doty as the contact person to administer the grant as presented.


VOTE:   Aye-5



B.         Proposed Contract for Switchgear Installation – Ms. Doty presented the following two bids received to install switchgear for the Landfill Gas to Energy project:  Power Secure submitted a bid in the amount of $80,000 and T3 Automation submitted a bid in the amount of $67,484, both for turnkey switchgear and testing/commissioning.  Ms. Doty requested awarding the bid to the low bidder, T3 Automation, and presented a proposal which included the installation of the switchgear and performance of the required testing and commissioning needed to get the generators online.  The grant funds received were to offset the purchase price.


            County Attorney Eggers requested that any action on the proposed contract be contingent upon review and revision by the County Attorney.


Commissioner Gable, seconded by Commissioner Deal, moved to award the bid to and approve the contract with T3 Automation, in the amount of $67,484, for switchgear installation for the Landfill Gas to Energy project, contingent upon the County Attorney’s review and revisions.


VOTE:   Aye-5





Ms. Margaret Pierce, Finance Director, presented the following budget amendments for Board approval:


Account #                    Description                                                              Debit            Credit

143531-323000           Admin Reimb Fed/State                                                         $112,473

145480-438800           Crisis Intervention Payments                             $112,473


            The amendment recognized additional funding allocation for Federal low income energy assistance payments.


Account #                    Description                                                              Debit            Credit

103300-341701           NC State Board of Elections HAVA grant                                 $8,633

104170-467001           Election Officials                                                   $8,633


            The amendment recognized grant funds received from NC Board of Elections Help America Vote Act.  These funds are from a Federal grant to assist with expenses for workers at the One-Stop voting locations at Appalachian State University Student Union and the Agricultural Extension Center for the November general election.


Commissioner Futrelle, seconded by Commissioner Deal, moved to approve the budget amendments as presented by Ms. Pierce.


VOTE:   Aye-5





            A.        Town of Boone Joint Meeting Request – County Manager Nelson presented the following additional dates for the proposed joint meeting with the Town of Boone:  Monday, January 31, 2011, at 5:00 P.M. or Thursday, February 10, 2011, at 5:00 P.M.


            The Town of Boone requested the meeting be held in the Countys Commissioners’ Board Room and included the following topics for discussion:  an update on the U-4020 project; an update on the Town’s water intake project; and the establishment of shared priorities between the Town of Boone and the County.


            By consensus, the Board agreed to schedule the joint meeting with the Town of Boone for Monday, January 31, 2011, at 5:00 P.M. in the Commissioners’ Board Room of the Watauga County Administration Building.


            The Board also agreed, by consensus, to request that discussions be added to the agenda regarding the Farmers’ Market and the Daniel Boone Parkway.


B.         Boards and Commissions – County Manager Nelson stated that the New River Service Authority Board recommended appointment of Dr. Bonnie Walker to a one-year term as an at-large member of their Board.  The County Manager announced that Chairman Miller was appointed at the December 6th meeting as the Commissioner Representative to the New River Service Authority Board.


Vice-Chairman Blust, seconded by Commissioner Deal, moved to appoint Dr. Bonnie Walker to the New River Service Authority Board for a one-year term.


VOTE:   Aye-5



            County Manager Nelson stated that two terms on the Watauga County Tourism Development Authority (TDA) were set to expire at the end of February 2011.  The TDA recommended that Dave Robertson be reappointed and Suzanne Stevens be appointed, each to three-year terms.  Ms. Stevens was to replace Missy Harrill who was not available to serve an additional term.  County Manager Nelson stated that Connie Baird and Matthew Vincent had also been recommended to fill these positions.


            County Manager Nelson stated that Mr. Alex Jernigan, Regional Ombudsman with High Country Council of Governments’ Area Agency on Aging, recommended that Ms. Wanda Branch be reappointed to the Watauga County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee for a three-year term and Mr. Gene Vandiford be reappointed to the Watauga County Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee for a three-year term.


The County Manager stated that the above were first readings and, therefore, no action was required at this time.


County Manager Nelson stated that each newly-elected Commissioner needed to choose a representative who lives in their district to serve on the Watauga County Planning Board and a representative who lives within the Boone Fire Service District to serve as a member of the Boone Rural Fire Protection Service District.  These appointments were to run concurrent with the term of the appointing Commissioner.


            Vice-Chairman Blust, seconded by Commissioner Deal, moved to appoint Jim West as the District # 4 representative to the Planning Board with his term to run concurrent with Commissioner Blust’s term.


VOTE:   Aye-5



Chairman Miller appointed Reggie Hassler as District # 5 representative to the Boone Rural Fire Protection Service District.


The remaining appointments to the Planning Board and Boone Rural Fire Protection Service District were tabled until a future meeting.


C.        Announcements – County Manager Nelson announced that I Have A Dream week in Watauga County was Saturday, January 15 – Friday, January 21 and presented a list of activities and events scheduled for the week.


County Manager Nelson announced that the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce was holding their 2011 Annual Legislative Reception on Tuesday, January 25 from 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock.


The County Manager stated that the Chamber had also requested a representative from the Board be available for a brief presentation on issues and initiatives that may impact the local businesses or the regional economy.  Chairman Miller stated that he had agreed to make the presentation.


County Manager Nelson announced that the Hospitality House invited the Board to a dedication celebration for their new shelter on Friday, February 4, 2011, at 1:00 P.M.




There was no public comment.




            At 7:20 P.M., Commissioner Deal, seconded by Vice-Chairman Blust, moved to enter Closed Session to discuss Attorney/Client Matters, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(3).


VOTE:   Aye-5



Commissioner Deal, seconded by Vice-Chairman Blust, moved to resume the open meeting at 8:02 P.M.


VOTE:   Aye-5





Chairman Miller adjourned the meeting at 8:02 P.M.



Nathan A. Miller, Chairman



Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board