The Watauga County Board of Commissioners held a special meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2007, in the Commissioners’ Conference Room in the Watauga County Administration Building, Boone, North Carolina. Those present were: Chairman Deal, Vice-Chairman Winkler, Commissioner Cooper, Commissioner Kinsey, Commissioner Moretz, Assistant County Manager Geouque, and Clerk to the Board Fogle.
            Chairman Deal called the meeting to order at 4:32 P.M.
            Chairman Deal called for additions and/or corrections to the October 9, 2007, special meeting agenda.
            Assistant County Manager Geouque requested that Economic Development Matters, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(4), be added to the closed session.
            Commissioner Moretz, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to approve the October 9, 2007, special meeting agenda as amended.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            At 4:33 P.M., Commissioner Moretz, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to enter Closed Session to discuss Attorney/Client Matters, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(3) and Economic Development Matters, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(4).
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Vice-Chairman Winkler, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to resume the open meeting at 5:40 P.M.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Chairman Deal stated that, due to additional unsuitable soils found at the Brookshire Project site, an opportunity had arisen to land farm those soils on the property in another area where two additional grass fields were to be located (which was Phase II of the project). Once the soils were dry they could be raked down and seeded for use as recreational fields. Also, additional suitable soils were to be moved from the County’s property across the street where future pods were to be placed for economic development ventures (which was Phase III of the project). This soil was to be used for fill where the professional soccer fields were to be located. Chairman Deal stated that Change Order # 2, in the amount of $716,570, was for the removal of the unsuitable soils to the two future grass fields and the removal of soils to fill and create pods for future economic development projects.
            Chairman Deal also stated that Change Order # 1 was previously approved for up to $80,000 and the actual cost was $86,499; therefore, an amendment of $6,499 was needed.
            Assistant County Manager Geouque stated that staff recommended that funds be allocated as follows: $300,000 from the Capital Reserve Account ($125,000 from Economic Development and $175,000 as determined by staff) and the remainder of $423,069 (which included the $6,499 for Change Order # 1) from the General Fund Balance.
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Vice-Chairman Winkler, moved to approve Change Order # 2 which was to allow for the creation of the two grass fields due to land farming of unsuitable soils and pods for economic development commercial buildings due to the removal of soil from across the road, with funds to be allocated as presented.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Kinsey, moved to amend Change Order # 1 to add $6,499 from the General Fund Balance as recommended by staff.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Chairman Deal adjourned the meeting at 5:46 P.M.
Jim Deal, Chairman
Anita J. Fogle
Clerk to the Board