The Watauga County Board of Commissioners held a regular meeting on Monday, November 3, 2008, at 9:00 A.M. in the Commissioners’ Board Room of the Watauga County Administration Building.
                        PRESENT:       Jim Deal, Chairman
                                                William R. Winkler, III, Vice-Chairman
                                                John Cooper, Commissioner
                                                Winston Kinsey, Commissioner
                                                Mary Moretz, Commissioner
                                                Anthony di Santi, County Attorney
                                    Robert E. Nelson, Jr., County Manager
                                                Deron Geouque, Deputy County Manager
                                                Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board
            Chairman Deal called the meeting to order at 9:06 A.M., welcoming those in attendance.
            Vice-Chairman Winkler opened the meeting with a prayer.
            Chairman Deal called for additions or corrections to the October 22, 2008, regular meeting and closed session minutes.
            Chairman Deal requested the following revision under the second paragraph in the “Brookshire Road Soccer Field Parking Expansion Discussion:”
            “Chairman Deal stated that he spoke to representatives of ASU and the High Country Soccer Association and ASU wanted to cover would consider covering the costs of materials for the project.”
            Commissioner Moretz, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to approve the October 22, 2008, regular meeting minutes as amended.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Commissioner Kinsey, seconded by Vice-Chairman Winkler, moved to approve the October 22, 2008, closed session minutes as presented.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Chairman Deal called for additions and/or corrections to the November 3, 2008, agenda.
            Amendments were requested to add recommendations for appointments to the Watauga Medical Center Board of Trustees and the Watauga County Board of Adjustment under Boards and Commissions; to move the “Mega Builders” item to the end of the agenda to allow for discussion in closed session under Attorney/Client Matters per G. S. 143.318-11(a)(3); and to add a Farmland Preservation Grant Request.
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Vice-Chairman Winkler, moved to approve the November 3, 2008, agenda as amended.
VOTE:   Aye-5
          Ms. Jennifer Herman, OASIS Director, requested an additional budget allocation for FY 2009 due to taxes owed on the Family Resource Center property.  Ms. Herman stated that tax liability was determined as of January 1 each year and, in that the property was leased for the first quarter to a for-profit organization, the property was not eligible for the non-profit tax exemption in 2008. Ms. Herman stated that, as the Family Resource Center consisted of a group of non-profits, they were not aware of the tax liability and, therefore, did not budget for the cost. The total amount of County taxes owed was $3,788.55. Ms. Herman stated that she planned to present a similar request to the Town of Boone for town taxes.
            Commissioner Moretz, seconded by Commissioner Kinsey, moved to approve a budget allocation from the County’s Administrative Contingency Fund in the amount of $3,800 to OASIS, to allow OASIS to continue operations as budgeted and not reduce services.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Ms. Mary Gray presented a proclamation declaring the week of January 18th – 25th, 2009, to be “I-Have-A-Dream Week” in support of celebrating diversity and discouraging prejudice and discrimination in our community.
            Chairman Deal requested the following be changed under the last “Whereas” of the proclamation:
            “…to celebrate the diversity of the ASU community in our County.”
            Vice-Chairman Winkler, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to adopt the proclamation as amended.
VOTE:   Aye-5
Mr. Brian Chatham, with Watauga County Soil and Water, stated that the Watauga Soil and Water Conservation District Board had agreed to sponsor a grant from the NC Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund. Mr. Casey Pond with Frontline Conservation Real Estate had agreed to apply for the grant on Soil and Water’s behalf. The grant, if awarded, was to fund hiring a consulting firm to prepare a plan for Watauga County to expand the Farmland Preservation Program and the agricultural economy. Mr. Chatham stated that no local match was required.
            Commissioner Kinsey, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to authorize the submission of the grant application by Frontline Conservation Real Estate to the NC Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund on behalf of the Watauga County Soil and Water Conservation District.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Deputy County Manager Geouque stated that the following bids were received for new Sheriff Department vehicles:
Boone Ford
Bobby Jones Ford
Force 911
Crown Victoria (5)
Taurus (1)
Total amounts
The Deputy County Manager stated that staff recommended awarding the bid to Bobby Jones Ford, in the total amount of $159,116.80, as they provided the overall low bid and, in the past, had provided fast delivery of vehicles.
            After discussion, Commissioner Kinsey, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to award the bid for the five Crown Victorias to Bobby Jones Ford in the amount of $26,828.32 for each vehicle with the total to be $134,141.60 and to award the bid for the Taurus to Boone Ford in the amount of $24,550.40 bringing the total bid amount to $158,692.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Mr. Joe Furman stated that, as part of the effort to begin to address work force housing in Watauga County, he had been in conversations with developers of property near the Green Valley School and Habitat for Humanity who owned property to the rear of the school. Mr. Furman proposed to do some research with an engineer to determine if a package sewer plant could be constructed to serve all three of the entities. A discharge permit for a sewer plant already existed for 4800 GPD discharge, which was roughly 40 bedrooms for the developer’s project. The cost for an engineer to determine if the discharge permit could be increase to cover all three projects was approximately $8,000. The funds were available in the Administrative Professional Services budget.
            Commissioner Moretz, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to approve the expenditure of up to $8,000 for professional services to determine if the discharge permit could be increased to allow capacity for all three entities with the funds to be allocated from the Administrative Professional Services budget.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            A.        Monthly Collections Report – Tax Administrator Kelvin Byrd presented the Tax Collections Report for the month of October 2008.
B.         Releases and Refunds – Mr. Byrd presented the following Refunds and Releases for October 2008 for Board approval:
            Vice-Chairman Winkler, seconded by Commissioner Kinsey, moved to approve the Refunds and Releases Report for October 2008, as presented.
VOTE:   Aye-5
A.        Budget Amendments – Finance Director Doris Isaacs presented the following budget amendments for Board approval:
            Account #                    Description                                                           Debit             Credit
143585-323002           Smart Start State Funds                                   $19,697
145850-440901           Smart Start Child Care                                                           $19,697
            The amendment recognized a decrease in the Smart Start Daycare funding due to a change in the More At Four funding plan.
            Account #                    Description                                                           Debit             Credit
663200-327501           Scrap Tire Disposal Grant                                                        $3,200
667420-469866           Contracted Services                                          $3,200
            The amendment recognized the award of Scrap Tire Disposal grant funds from the NCDENR. The funds were to be used to supplement the cost of tire disposal.
            Account #                    Description                                                           Debit             Credit
213991-399101           Fund Balance Approp. - New                                              $798,846
219800-498010           Transfer to the General Fund                          $798,846
103980-398121           Transfer from Capital Reserve                                              $798,846
104140-452100           Capital Outlay – Computer Software             $772,127
104210-429000           Other Supplies                                                   $5,719
104210-451000           Capital Outlay – IT                                          $21,000
            The amendment transferred funds from the Capital Reserve Fund to the General Fund to fund the acquisition of new Tax software, servers, and other equipment upgrades. The tax software funding was approved at the June 23, 2008, Board of Commissioners meeting and the additional funds needed for the servers and other equipment was approved at the October 6, 2008, Board of Commissioners meeting.
            Account #                    Description                                                           Debit             Credit
103586-385501           Town of Boone - POA                                      $2,089
105550-432100           Utilities - Telephone                                                                  $2,089
            The amendment recognized the decrease from $6,000 to $3,911 in funding for Project on Aging from the Town.
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Moretz, moved to approve the budget amendments as presented.
VOTE:   Aye-5
B.         Surplus Property Request – Ms. Isaacs presented a list of property and requested it be surplused and subsequently sold through GovDeals or recycled.
            Vice-Chairman Winkler, seconded by Commissioner Kinsey, moved to surplus the property as presented and to authorize the property either for recycling or for sale on GovDeals.com.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            C.        Proposed Resolution for NC State Forest Reserve Payment System – Ms. Isaacs stated that Watauga County was eligible to receive $637 from the National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition. Ms. Isaacs presented a resolution which was required for the County to be eligible for the funds.
            Vice-Chairman Winkler, seconded by Commissioner Moretz, moved to adopt the resolution as presented.
VOTE:   Aye-5
A.                 New High School CM Contingency Requests #’s 11 & 12 – County Manager Nelson presented Construction Management Contingency change orders # 11 & 12. Change order # 11 was to alter the classroom wing gable ends and the third floor interior walls. Those areas were not addressed in the original drawings and it was up to the Construction Management Firm to determine how to address these issues. The amount of change order # 11 was $26,630. 
Change order # 12 was to install additional metal stud framing, sheathing, rigid insulation, and posi tie anchors in the classroom wings for wind bracing. The change order also deducted the price of a previously planned masonry wall for a net total cost of $18,200. The County Manager stated that staff recommended approval of Construction Management Contingency change orders # 11 & 12.
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Vice-Chairman Winkler, moved to approve Construction Management Contingency change order # 11 in the amount of $26,630 and # 12 in the amount of $18,200 as presented.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            B.         Mega Builders, LLC, Easement Request[Clerk’s Note: Action on this item was taken after discussion in closed session.]
            C.        Discussion of Cell Phone Service in Blowing Rock Area – County Manager Nelson stated that, in response to the Board’s concerns about cell phone coverage in the Blowing Rock area, Verizon Wireless has offered to meet with representatives from the County. The County Manager stated that a meeting had also already been scheduled by the Town of Blowing Rock with AT&T and the County to discuss potential AT&T improvements to this area.
            By consensus, the Board directed the County Manager to set up a meeting with staff and Verizon representatives to discuss the issue of cell phone service in the Blowing Rock area.
            D.        Boards and Commissions – County Manager Nelson stated that Ms. Judith Wesson resigned as a member of the Watauga County Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee. County Manager Nelson stated that recommendations had not been received yet for this positions.
            County Manager Nelson stated that Hardin Park Elementary School recommended Mr. Randy McDonough be reappointed as their representative on the Recreation Commission.
            County Manager Nelson stated that the terms for Mr. Bill Ragan, member, and Mr. Baxter Palmer, alternate, for the Watauga County Board of Adjustment were to expire in November. The County Manager stated that both were willing to continue to serve if reappointed.
            Chairman Deal stated that the Watauga Medical Center Board of Trustees had recommended the following for appointments to their Board: Mr. Paul Miller, Jr., Dr. William Atkins, and Mr. Joe Miller.
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Vice-Chairman Winkler, moved to waive the second readings and reappoint Mr. Randy McDonough as Hardin Park’s representative on the Watauga County Recreation Commission; reappoint Mr. Bill Ragan, as a member, and Mr. Baxter Palmer, as an alternate, to the Watauga County Board of Adjustment; and reappoint Mr. Paul Miller, Jr., and appoint Dr. William Atkins and Mr. Joe Miller to the Watauga Medical Center Board of Trustees.
VOTE:   Aye-5
E.         Announcements – County Manager Nelson announced that the Annual Farm City Awards Banquet was scheduled for November 6, 2008, at 6:00 P.M. at the Boone United Methodist Church, Boone, NC.
County Manager Nelson announced that the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners Legislative Goals Conference was scheduled for January 15 & 16, 2009, in Raleigh.
There was no public comment.
            At 10:59 A.M., Vice-Chairman Winkler, seconded by Commissioner Cooper, moved to enter Closed Session to discuss Land Acquisition, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(5)(i); Attorney/Client Matters, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(3); and Personnel Matters, per G. S. 143-318.11(a)(6).
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Vice-Chairman Winkler, moved to resume the regular meeting at 11:36 A.M.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            Commissioner Cooper, seconded by Commissioner Kinsey, moved to approve Mega Builders’, LLC, request for an easement onto Watauga County property adjacent to the Soccer Complex on Brookshire Road to allow Mega Builders to receive their Certificate of Occupancy from the Health Department.
VOTE:   Aye-5
            The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:46 A.M.
Jim Deal, Chairman
Anita J. Fogle, Clerk to the Board