The Watauga County Building Maintenance Department is located with the License Plate Agency in the Winklers Creek Facility on Winklers Creek Road in Boone. Normal business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Watauga County Building Maintenance provides physical maintenance to all County facilities to insure a safe and efficient environment in which the public and County agencies may conduct business. The department provides a broad range of services including grounds keeping, structural repair, electrical, plumbing, HVAC and custodial services. The department also oversees design, construction and renovation of County buildings.
We do not handle:
Highway maintenance (**please see note below)
County Schools
City streets
** Call 828-268-6230 if within the Town of Boone. Call 828-268-6040 if outside the Town of Boone.)
The Watauga County Maintenance Department generally does not handle any public maintenance issues. We primarily serve County-owned facilities.